What Is the World’s Emotional Temperature?

Think about how you felt yesterday. Did you smile or laugh a lot? Did you learn or do something interesting? Were you angry? Sad? Gallup asked people in more than 140 countries these same questions in 2018 to find out how they are feeling.

Use this interactive to see how you and your country compare with the rest of the planet on 10 positive and negative experiences…continue reading


Experienced Anger
Yes No
Nepal 29% 70%
Armenia (Top) 45% 55%
Estonia (Bottom) 6% 93%

Experienced Sadness
Yes No
Nepal 29% 70%
Chad (Top) 54% 41%
Taiwan (Bottom) 5% 95%

Experienced Stress
Yes No
Nepal 37% 61%
Greece (Top) 59% 41%
Turkmenistan (Bottom) 5% 95%

Experienced Worry
Yes No
Nepal 50% 49%
Mozambique (Top) 59% 41%
Taiwan (Bottom) 12% 88%

Experienced Physical Pain
Yes No
Nepal 42% 57%
Chad (Top) 66% 33%
Vietnam (Bottom) 14% 85%

Experienced Enjoyment
Yes No
Nepal 62% 38%
Paraguay (Top) 91% 9%
Sierra Leone (Bottom) 41% 58%

Feel Well-Rested
Yes No
Nepal 63% 37%
Mongolia (Top) 86% 14%
Kuwait (Bottom) 28% 71%

Learn Something
Yes No
Nepal 29% 70%
El Salvador (Top) 75% 25%
Bangladesh (Bottom) 22% 77%

Smile or Laugh
Yes No
Nepal 45% 55%
Nigeria (Top) 91% 9%
Afghanistan (Bottom) 36% 64%

Treated With Respect
Yes No
Nepal 65% 33%
Ecuador (Top) 97% 3%
Afghanistan (Bottom) 48% 52%

Source: Gallup https://news.gallup.com/interactives/248240/global-emotions.aspx



